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开辟高校教育新的教学模式,实现职业教育与企业产业发展的深度融合,需要社会合作伙伴的多元参与,行业协会的深度参与可以有力促进高校与企业合作,形成可复制、可持续发展的产业工人培养模式,更好地服务于区域经济产业的转型升级发展。企业专班是地方行业协会和高校职业教育教学合作的有益探索之一。  相似文献   
Combining the excitement from the maker movement and the novel creation of deployable makerspaces, we review the development of the Mobile Atelier for Kinaesthetic Education (MAKE) 3D. MAKE 3D is a mobile makerspace platform that can be deployed anywhere there is electricity to create a curricular spectacle of digital fabrication in particular additive manufacturing or what is more commonly referred to as 3D printing. Our project combines this notion of curricular spectacle and a mobile makerspace platform, to develop strategies in how to meet the novice user almost anywhere and to entice them into a series of hands‐on activities that would give them a range of knowledge and aptitude for additive techniques in digital fabrication. We review the component parts of our Material to Form curriculum and explore thematic connections between the maker movement and art education including STEAM and interdisciplinarity; design thinking and kinaesthetic learning; and place‐based education and the mobile platform. Informal practices in art education and the mobile makerspace advances forms of place and kinaesthetic learning. Similar curricular setups are therefore encouraged to reinforce and expand prior knowledge, broaden participation and provide an adaptable learning space for STEAM initiatives.  相似文献   
目前现代学徒制模式下,高职高技能人才培养存在着校企双育人主体机制还不健全、教学模式不顺畅、校企课程交融不深入、教学评价体系不完善等系列问题,高职高技能人才培养质量还不能满足社会经济发展要求。对此,文章从学生技术技能培养、综合职业素质养成和社会人才需求的视角出发,重点引入省级技能大师工作室高技能人才培养平台,与学校、联盟企业联合组建“校企室”三方协同的现代学徒制高职高技能人才培养模式,搭建“校企室”三方育人主体的现代学徒育人平台,构建涵盖“通识、岗位、专项”三核心、四阶段的现代学徒制课程体系,创建多维度技术技能训练和实践的“专业实训室+企业现场+大师工作室”三场所构成的现代学徒制实训基地,建立“教、学、做、工、培、训”交替融合的现代学徒制教学实施模式,建立三方育人主体的现代学徒制人才培养标准,以及“柯氏四级评估模型”多元参与、四级评价的现代学徒制人才培养质量评价方法,并在数控技术专业试点,成效显著,为高职院校同类专业开展三方育人现代学徒制人才培养提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   
为了优化奖学金评定机制,充分发挥其育人功能,构建和谐校园,分析了当前独立学院奖学金评定工作中存在的一些典型问题:综合测评及奖励办法缺乏多维性;企业奖学金定位不明确,荣誉效应不强;奖学金缺乏影响力;获奖学生功利性强,榜样作用不明显。将“三全育人”理念融入奖学金评定工作中并提出了以下对策:积极探索多元化评价体系,鼓励求实创新,实现全方位育人;充分发挥企业奖学金的作用,深化校企合作,促进全员育人;搭建学生自我展示、自我教育和自我管理的平台,唤醒大学生的主人翁责任感,强化榜样引领作用,提高感恩知报意识,落实全过程育人。  相似文献   
毕业设计是高校培养学生的关键环节,通过毕业设计可锻炼学生综合运用知识的能力,培养学生的全局观念。将校企合作引入毕业设计中,充分发挥高校和企业长处,优势互补,可显著提高学生毕业设计的质量,提升学生的综合素质和核心竞争力。阐述了校企合作在毕业设计中的重要作用,并提出了校企合作助力毕业设计的形式。  相似文献   
采用2011—2018年沪深A股高新技术上市公司数据,探讨创新政策组合、高管激励机制对企业创新绩效的内在作用机理。研究发现,创新政策组合能够显著提高企业创新绩效;高管薪酬激励具有正向调节作用,特别是能增强政策组合对高技术创新绩效的影响效果。企业产权性质不同,高管激励的调节作用也存在差异:相较于国有企业,非国有企业高管薪酬激励的调节作用更加明显;高管持股产生的调节作用较弱,只有非国有企业的高管持股才能产生正向调节作用。  相似文献   
以沪深A股高新技术上市公司2011~2019年相关数据为研究对象,实证检验财税政策组合对企业技术创新和可持续发展的影响效果和机理。研究发现:财税政策组合与企业技术创新之间呈倒U 型曲线关系,且随着创新水平的提高,财税政策组合对技术创新的影响弹性不断降低。同时,财税政策组合会通过“技术创新”这一中介桥梁对企业可持续发展产生倒U 型的影响作用,且与低技术创新相比,由于高技术创新更能提高企业竞争力,它发挥的中介作用更加显著。  相似文献   
在商科团队竞赛中校企共建的赛事组委会应做好赛前、赛中和赛后的相互衔接,构建完整的学生训练和培养体系。商科团队竞赛的通用实践教学范式一般包括六个部分:①赛前通用基础知识学习。②竞赛专用知识体系学习。③在竞赛中融入项目管理。④在竞赛中融入人力资源管理技能评估。⑤建立赛后访谈与总结机制并进行职业规划辅导。⑥建立竞赛数据库与教学资料库。根据通用实践教学范式开展竞赛教学,可以提高学生的自学能力、规划能力、实践能力、创新能力;可以充实高校教学案例库,建立全新的实习实训体系,实现产、教、研有机结合;可以为企业选拔和储备人才,帮助企业实现跨越式成长。  相似文献   
随着高等教育领域“管办评”“放管服”改革的深入,高校治理主体间的关系不断调整,社会参与高校治理的意识逐步增强,参与方式也逐渐多样化。通过分析湖北省民办高校中社会参与办学投资、质量评估、决策咨询和人才培养等现状,在借鉴国外私立高校治理经验的基础上,提出要从完善社会参与制度、拓宽学校收入渠道、发挥第三方教育评估机构功能,以及规范董事会运行机制等方面优化社会参与路径,促进民办高校治理现代化。  相似文献   
Integration of medical imaging into preclinical anatomy courses is already underway in many medical schools. However, interpretation of two-dimensional grayscale images is difficult and conventional volume rendering techniques provide only images of limited quality. In this regard, a more photorealistic visualization provided by Cinematic Rendering (CR) may be more suitable for anatomical education. A randomized, two-period crossover study was conducted from July to December 2018, at the University Hospital of Erlangen, Germany to compare CR and conventional computed tomography (CT) imaging for speed and comprehension of anatomy. Sixteen students were randomized into two assessment sequences. During each assessment period, participants had to answer 15 anatomy-related questions that were divided into three categories: parenchymal, musculoskeletal, and vascular anatomy. After a washout period of 14 days, assessments were crossed over to the respective second reconstruction technique. The mean interperiod differences for the time to answer differed significantly between the CR–CT sequence (−204.21 ± 156.0 seconds) and the CT–CR sequence (243.33 ± 113.83 seconds; P < 0.001). Overall time reduction by CR was 65.56%. Cinematic Rendering visualization of musculoskeletal and vascular anatomy was higher rated compared to CT visualization (P < 0.001 and P = 0.003), whereas CT visualization of parenchymal anatomy received a higher scoring than CR visualization (P < 0.001). No carryover effects were observed. A questionnaire revealed that students consider CR to be beneficial for medical education. These results suggest that CR has a potential to enhance knowledge acquisition and transfer from medical imaging data in medical education.  相似文献   
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